
X Lab

Steps to becoming Yous


We already told you about the birth of Yous (codename: Endor) Now, Yous is growing and it has just gone through the delicate phase of childhood. A phase in which the desire to discover, with a genuine sense of curiosity, is the standard. Just like children, we have faced the world without prejudices, ready to see, hear, feel, touch the reality of today. In fact, we went around Italy and Europe to ask to students, young professionals and experts in different fields what has characterized their growth as people and

Back to disruption.

Hello world. Super-happy to announce the birth of [Endor]. While the code-name is meant to change and so most of the features we have in mind at this very seminal time, the vision stays. And, once again, it is a vision of disruption. As the world changes faster and faster, challenging the needed competences, attitudes and even human identity itself, we believe the old training/education paradigms are definitely outdated. So here at Cocoon, we’re back to the hard and passionate job of disruption. Just as it happened when LiquidO was